
Sudugala Falls

Sudugala Falls are situated in Nawalapitiya, Kandy.

Distance from Kandy – 44 km (1 hour 40 minutes)

Sudugala Falls are situated in Nawalapitiya, Kandy. It stands at a height which exceeds 50 meters and a width which exceeds 60 meters. It is also known as “Heightenford Falls” and “Galpoththa Ella Falls”. The water of this fall slides over a slanting rock bed. Although Sudugala Falls does not stand out in terms of height, it is a waterfall with an extremely lengthy width which exceeds 60 meters, standing out among the rest of the waterfalls.

Sudugala Falls is also called Heightenford Falls because the falls lie a few meters away from the Heightenford railway platform at the railway line. The waterfall ends with a shallow pool which is about 2 feet deep and is a popular location for children of the surrounding area to slide down the rock until they fall in to the pool at the bottom. However, this activity is possible only when the water levels are low and is quite risky and impossible otherwise.

Getting to Sudugala Falls

From Kandy take the Colombo – Kandy Road and go past Peradeniya, Daulagala, Ulapane up until you reach Nawalapitiya. At Nawalapitiya turn to Samanalagama Road and go about 900 meters down this road to find the Sudugala Falls.



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