
Mohideen Jumma Masjid, Anuradhapura

Mohideen Jumma Masjid is situated in Anuradhapura.

Distance from Anuradhapura – 8.9 km (14 minutes)

Mohideen Jumma Masjid is situated in Anuradhapura. It is a popular mosque in the area. The mosque conducts congregation prayers for Muslims of the surrounding area, every Friday of the week. Many locals from nearby gather at the mosque to observe prayers.

Getting to Mohideen Jumma Masjid

From Anuradhapura travel approximately 8.9 km along the Puttalam – Anuradhapura – Trincomalee Highway, Anuradhapura – Padeniya Highway and Ratmale Thirappane Road to reach the Mohideen Jumma Masjid in Anuradhapura.

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