
Mannakethi Ella

Mannakethi Ella is situated in the Kegalle district.

Distance from Kandy – 68.5 km (2 hours 15 minutes)

Mannakethi Ella is situated in the Kegalle district. It stands at a height of 60 meters and is sourced from the Girankitha Oya Reservoir that is served by the western slopes of the Unagula Mountain. The popular Kitulgala Rest-house is situated 5 km from here.

Getting to Mannakethi Ella

From Kandy take the Gingathhena Road and go past Peradeniya, Daulagala, Gampola, Ulapane, Nawalapitiya and Ginigathhena until Kitulgala. At Kitulgala turn to Mahabage Road and travel about 6 km along this route to reach the Mannakethi Ella.

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