
Madanagiri Ella Falls

Madanagiri Ella Falls is situated in the Ratnapura district.

Distance from Belihuloya – 41.1 km (1 hour 27 minutes)

Madanagiri Ella Falls is situated in the Ratnapura district. It is approximately 69 meters in height. Local villagers call it “Mohini Ella” since they believe there is an apparition (mohini) haunting the area. The water levels of the stream of Madanagiri Ella has reduced because of a mini hydro plant which exists at the bottom.

Getting to Madanagiri Ella Falls

From Belihuloya travel along the Colombo – Batticaloa Highway passing Aluthnuwara up to Balangoda. Then travel along the Balangoda – Rassagala – Uwella Road passing Rassagala and Uwella up to Ratnapura to reach the Madanagiri Ella Falls which is situated along the Ratnapura-Wewelwatte Road.

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