Distance from Matale – 25.4 km (1 hout 12 minutes)
Gombaniya is the highest peak of the Knuckles Mountain Range and is situated in Matale. It stands at a height of 1906 meters and is situated at Alakola estate in Hulu Ganga, bordered by Knuckles-Kirigalpoththa and Yakunge Hela mountain ranges on either side.
There are quite a few false peaks which some get confused with while on their way to hiking Gombaniya. It is said that the false peak is extremely windy. The well-known false peak of Gombaniya has huge slap rock with an amazing view. The true Gombaniya peak is situated about 500 m away from this false peak. The mountainside is covered with many trees and plants including thickly grown bamboo. A river named “Kuda Oya” flows between Gombaniya and Yakunge Hela.
Getting to Gombaniya
From Matale travel about 25 km along the Madulkelle – Kabaragala – Kandenuwara Road until Panwila to reach Gombaniya.
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