
Galboda Falls

Galboda Falls are situated in Nawalapitiya.

Distance from Kandy – 51.6 km (2 hours 3 minutes)

Introduction to Galboda Falls

Galboda Falls is situated in Nawalapitiya. It stands at a height of 30 meters and starts from the Galboda River (Hanguranketha River). The water of the falls cascades in to two streams at certain times of the year. It is home to a variety of wildlife and flora, including orchids.

Story behind Galboda Falls

Its width ranges from 3 m to 6 m depending on the season. The name “Galboda” is derived from the large boulder that is situated at the foot of the falls. “Galboda” means “fall adjoining the stone” when translated. There is also another story saying that the water here is heavier than anywhere else in Sri Lanka and thus is named as such.

Flora and fauna of Galboda Falls

The woodland surrounding Galboda Falls is home to a number of species of wildlife and flora. A rare species of orchids can be found in the vicinity. The area is also home to a total of twelve species of reptiles out of four which are endemic to Sri Lanka.

Getting to Galboda Falls

From Kandy travel along the Kandy Road passing Peradeniya, Gampola and Ulapane up to Nawalapitiya to reach the Galboda Falls situated in Galboda Road, Galboda.

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