
Galagama Ella Falls

Galagama Ella Falls is situated a few kilometers down the famous Baker’s fall on the Belihuloya stream in Ratnapura district.

Distance from Belihuloya – 14.7 km (1 hour 23 minutes)

Galagama Ella Falls is situated a few kilometers down the famous Baker’s fall on the Belihuloya stream in Ratnapura district. It is about 150 meters high and is situated in a deep gorge in Belihuloya. Hence it is hard to reach the area and it takes some time for the journey. The waterfall is also called “Kathi Gahana Ella Fall”.

Getting to Galagama Ella Falls

From Belihuloya travel approximately 14 km along Nonpareil Estate Road to reach the Galagama Ella Falls.

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