
Rajurugala Mountain

Rajurugala Mountain is situated in Deraniyagala in the Sabaragamuwa Province.

Distance from Belihuloya – 98.6 km (2 hours 58 minutes)

Rajurugala Mountain is situated in Deraniyagala in the Sabaragamuwa Province. It is situated at an elevation of 616 m. The mountain is popular as a hiking and camping spot. The climb to the top is not very difficult and can be completed by an average hiker. The view at the summit is breathtaking which makes it a great choice for hikers.

Getting to Rajurugala Mountain

From Belihuloya travel along the Colombo – Batticaloa Highway and Kuruwita Erathna Road passing Amupitiya, Balangoda, Kahatapitiya, Opanayake, Pelmadulla, Lellopitiya, Ratnapura and Kuruwita up to Deraniyagala to reach the Rajurugala Mountain which is situated in Deraniyagala in the Sabaragamuwa Province.

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