
Thaliya Watuna Falls

Thaliya Watuna Falls is situated in Madulkelle in the central province.

Distance from Kandy – 33.7 km (1 hour 29 minutes)

Thaliya Watuna Falls is situated in Madulkelle in the central province. It is 50 meters high and is also called Alakola Falls because the waterfall lies in the Alakola Estate. This name has an interesting story behind it. It is said that this area was under a planter named Allen Collen during the British regime. With time this Allen Collen Watte has become Alakola Watte (Alakola Estate).

Getting to Thaliya Watuna Falls

From Kandy take the Katugastota – Madawala – Bambarella Road and go past Polgolla, Madawala and Panwila until Huluganga. The road towards Alakola Estate is situated right in front of the Hulu Ganga Bridge. Travel about 3 km along this route to reach a footpath leading towards the base pool of the Thaliya Watuna Falls.

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